Become A Sponsor call Carmen at 609-457-1316
Somers Point Beach Concert sponsorships are available.
New Jersey Sate Council on the ArtsFUNDING HAS BEEN PROVIDED in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through a grant administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs.

Thank You To Our Sponsors!

The fabulous growth in popularity of this series is a strong incentive to upgrade your sponsorship level!
$10,000 Title
Title sponsorship with your name on the series;
Your Large Banner prominently displayed as a backdrop for the stage;
Logo and name on all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media and displayed on our website;
Primary mention in all news releases, promotional publicity and advertising;
Headline placement on advertising and on promotional sign;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert;
Privilege to place a promotional tent in a prominent location;
Privilege to sell products at all concerts.

$3,500 Presenting
Your name prominently displayed as Presented By (your name) on top line of all material;
Your large banner displayed on the stage;
Logo and name on all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media and displayed on our website;
Headline mention in all news releases, promotional publicity and advertising;
Headline placement on advertising and on promotional sign;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert;
Privilege to place a promotional tent in a prominent location;
Privilege to sell products at all concerts.

$2,000 Platinum
Logo and name near the top of all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media
   and displayed on our website;
Large banner on the front of the stage;
Top line level placement on advertising and promotional signs/posters just below Title and Presenting Sponsors;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert;
Privilege to place a promotional tent in a prominent location;
Privilege to sell products at all concerts.

$1,000 Diamond A highly visible position allowing our Gold & Silver Sponsors to step up and become "Somers Point Diamonds". "Our stars shine for you because Somers Point Diamonds shine for all of us!"
Logo and name near the top on all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media
   and displayed on our website;
Prominent placement on advertising and on promotional sign;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert;
Privilege to place a promotional tent in a prominent location;
Privilege to sell products at all concerts.

$800 Gold
Logo and name on all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media and displayed on our website;
Elevated placement on advertising and on promotional sign;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert;
Privilege to sell products at all concerts.

$600 Sponsor Vendor / Super Silver
Privilege to sell products at all concerts;
Logo and name on all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media and displayed on our website;
Placement on advertising and on promotional sign;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert.

$500 Silver
Logo and name on all printed materials including thousands of schedules distributed manually, by social media and displayed on our website;
Placement on advertising and on promotional sign;
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials during the series;
Promotional announcement during each concert.
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Copyright © Somers Point Beach Concert Series. All rights reserved. Revised: June 13, 2024. Web Site by Cape Graphics